THE GUARD PRODUCTIONS LTD v. DOE #1 ET AL. (Copyright Lawsuit)

Overview of The Protege Copyright Case
THE GUARD PRODUCTIONS LTD v. DOE #1 ET AL. under Federal Court file number T-1081-22 was commenced in regard to the movie The Protege, on May 24, 2022. This mass litigation copyright case follows a similar pattern as other mass litigation copyright cases in regard to naming many DOEs as defendants claiming copyright infringement against each DOE.
If you have been named as a DOE defendant, contact us today to discuss your matter.
Copyright Infringement
In Canada, copyright infringement may occur when another party infringes the rights granted to the owner of a work under the Copyright Act. For more information about copyright and other types of intellectual property, see our article, Protect Your IP. SLC Law can assist you with your intellectual property law matter as it relates to THE GUARD PRODUCTIONS LTD v. DOE #1 ET AL. mass litigation copyright lawsuit in regard to the movie The Protege.
DOE Options
Speak to a copyright lawyer at SLC Law in regard to The Protege mass litigation copyright lawsuit to understand the options that may be available in your specific case, as well as the details of this particular case: THE GUARD PRODUCTIONS LTD v. DOE #1 ET AL.
Copyright is term describing the rights granted under the Copyright Act to the holder of a certain types of works as defined under the Copyright Act. The Copyright Act and the common law set out the tests for determining copyright infringement and defences to copyright infringement. Additionally, the Copyright Act includes provisions regarding statutory damages, which can be elected by the Plaintiff in a copyright lawsuit.
Call us today to discuss the details of your matter.
DOE Copyright Lawsuits
In the many mass litigation copyright lawsuits in front of the Federal Court, it is crucial to understand the process of how you were determined to be a DOE defendant. It is also important to understand who the plaintiff is and how the T-1081-22 case in regard to The Protege mass litigation copyright lawsuit is similar to other mass litigation copyright lawsuits in Canada.
What to do?
You can call SLC Law at +1 (416) 319-2220 to speak with a copyright lawyer familiar with the mass litigation copyright lawsuit: THE GUARD PRODUCTIONS LTD v. DOE #1 ET AL. under Federal Court file number T-1081-22.
Contact SLC Law to speak to a copyright lawyer
Speak to a copyright lawyer
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